Archive: August 28, 2022

Oranžové jedlá – tekvicový ovos

Moja matka uviedla, že keď som bol kúsok, využil som sa, aby sa mi páčili všetky pomarančové jedlá … sladké zemiaky, mrkva a tekvica! V tomto aspekte som sa nezmenil!

Príliš chudobná moja matka nechápal o tekvicovom ovose, keď som bol mladík – šla som to! V miske: 1/3C ovos, voda, sójové mlieko, vanilka, Stevia, tekvicové koláč, tekvica a semená chia. Po obrázku som pridal hnedý cukor. Som zvedavý, ako ma táto misa bude udržiavať naplno, pretože som nepridal žiadny druh orechového masla. Uvidíme.
Moje najnovšie videá

Deň maratónskeho výcviku 3
Deň maratónskeho výcviku 3

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0 sekúnd po 51 sekundách

Návrhy na masku na tvári na beh a chodenie vonku


Deň 2 zošita Beck ma nechal vybrať si diétu. Vyberiem sa snažím byť vedomý kalórií, ako aj častí, ako aj s cieľom rozbiť to takto:

B: 400

S: 200

L: 500

S: 200

D: 500

Zlé správy!!! Nedokážem spustiť Slnko počítať na polovicu okrem toho? Práve som si uvedomil, že je to presne ten istý víkend ako seminár FitBloggin, ako aj na to, že som už zaregistrovaný!

Sobotná predpoveď je veľmi chladná a vyžaduje sneh? Mám naplánovaný vonkajší beh, ale nepozerám sa na to…

25 ° F
Pripadá mi to ako
16 ° F

Teraz som preč, aby som kickboxoval, trochu sa uvidíme!

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Protein packed Cakes

happy Monday! I didn’t recognize I was wrong on Sunday set up as well as my routine called for 4 miles today with some stamina thrown in. So, I did 4 miles as well as will do my stamina after my morning client.

You guys understand I have a deep passionate like for pancakes. It’s almost inappropriate (well at least the noises I make when I eat them are). Luckily, I understand exactly how to bust out a healthy pancake so it’s not like I’m eating chocolate Chip Banana Pancakes 5 days a week (no, we save that for Saturdays).
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Marathon training Day 3
Marathon training Day 3

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0 seconds of 51 seconds

Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4


My pumpkin pancake recipe is my “go to” breakfast, however I wanted to try as well as pump up the protein in it. So this morning I made flourless pancakes as well as substituted protein powder for the flour (or oatmeal).

The guts:

1/2c egg whites

1 scoop vanilla whey protein

1/2 tsp baking soda as well as baking powder

dash salt, pumpkin pie spice

packet of stevia

1 tsp chia seeds

1/4 pumpkin (optional)

The glory:

(They are a little flat as well as more crepe-like than fluffy pancake, however they’re tasty!)

The necessary side dish: iced coffee

I chomped on my blueberries while cooking – Costco has organic Blues for inexpensive right now!

Remember my awesome red shoes Mizuno sent me?

Well, I’ve heard they are impossible to find! The business is providing away a pair right here (this has nothing to do with RER, just a PSA).

Question: Does anyone have the day off work for Lincoln’s Birthday?

Here’s an article from CSM about why his birthday isn’t a federal holiday

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keep going with these:

6 healthy protein packed Snack Box Ideas

6 healthy protein packed Snack Box Ideas

A healthy as well as simple roundup of 6 different methods to diy your own protein snack boxes! Make this part of your meal prep rou

Pumpkin Pie protein Shake Recipe

Pumpkin Pie protein Shake Recipe

healthy Pumpkin Pie protein Smoothie recipe with canned pumpkin, yogurt as well as pumpkin pie spice. It’s a super simple as well as del

finest protein Bars for Runners- What to eat before as well as After a Run

finest protein Bars for Runners- What to eat before as well as After a Run

finest protein bars for runners. What to eat before a run, after a run as well as snacks. My top 5 preferred bars as well as nutrition br

3 component Pumpkin Cookies Recipe

3 component Pumpkin Cookies Recipe

simple 3 component pumpkin cookie recipe. Cake mix cookies with pumpkin instead of oil for a lighter recipe. Koláčové cesto

Run report for may 6 to 12

Run report for may 6 to 12

Ahoj! exactly how was your running as well as eating this week? Here’s my round up of running, food, funny, random as well as updates from th

Light protein packed Spinach Dip Recipe

Light protein packed Spinach Dip Recipe

Light SpinaCH Artichoke Dip Recept vyrobený v pomalom sporáku. Tento jednoduchý predjedlo je plné zdravých výživných z V.

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Recept na vaječný ovos – Raňajky s vysokým obsahom bielkovín

Môj prvý bootovací tábor tohto zasadnutia šiel skvele! Máme menšiu skupinu, pretože SoCal Peeps zostane mimo chladu (48 pre nás mrzne!), Dúfam však však, že mi to poskytne oveľa väčšiu šancu skutočne pracovať ženy, ktoré mám!

Po tábore som sa chystal zvoliť jednoduchý beh 3 míle, avšak môj Garmin zomrel, takže nechápem presne, ako ďaleko to skutočne bolo (stále v parku Sphere).
Moje najaktuálnejšie videá

Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4
Žiadne odieranie šortiek pre ženy. Nové hodnotenie Athleta Hiit It 9 v šortkách v oblasti vsetka.

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0 sekúnd po 8 minútach, 21 sekúnd

Deň výcviku maratónu 1


Vždy to beriem jednoduchým behom po závode (v sobotu spustenej polovici!) Aby som skontroloval svoje telo a presne som videl, ako sa to cíti. Zranil som sa po druhom maratóne (pred niekoľkými rokmi som spustil maratón Walta Disneyho). Nepoznal som škody, ktoré preteky spôsobili na mojom tele až do budúceho týždňa na liečivej behu. Takže po závode som spustil krátky „triasť sa“, aby som zistil, ako sa všetko cíti

Od januára 2011 som sa začal snažiť získať oveľa viac bielkovín v mojej strave. O rok neskôr sa stále stále snažím nájsť úžasné metódy na jedenie bielkovín (pretože môj poschod má rád cukor). Chcel som vyskúšať Tinu’s No Oats Mod, pretože na to poukázala.

Pretože som nikdy nedodržal recept, vytvoril som si vlastnú verziu.

Recept na vaječný ovos: 3/4 ° C vaječné bielky, 1 banán, 1 TB. Grécky jogurt, posypané mlieko, pomlčka: soľ, škorica, cukor. Varilo sa v malej omáčke, až do hustého. Konzistentnosť je trochu čudná, ako by s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou niektorí ľudia vonku, ale páčilo sa mi to!

Doplnil som to semenami chia, hnedou ryžovou cereálnou, PB, ako aj polovicou larabaru.

Som zvedavý, ako dlho ma to udrží plné, pretože mám vždy hlad s ovsami o 1 hodinu neskôr! Všetci som na vysoké bielkovinové raňajky, ktoré sú sladké !!

OTÁZKA: Poskytli by ste jedlo, ktoré sa vám nepáčilo prvýkrát, druhá šanca?

Pokiaľ sa mi to úplne nepáčilo prvýkrát.

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ACE brand Bandage new Clip review for Runners


Ahoj! Today I’m checking out the new ACETM brand elastic Bandage with the improved ACETM brand Clip. 3M contacted me to do a review about the product but I said, “I’m not injured (right now).” However, when I read about the update to the ACETM brand Clip, I wanted to check it out and share the info with my readers/runners/bandage lovers.
MY newest VIDEOS

Memoir Jessica Simpson – recenzia otvorenej knihy
Review of Jessica Simpson’s new book – open Book. The singer and entrepreneur spills secrets and behind the scenes surprises all in her memoir.

Review of the Audible book – Jessica Simpson reads it herself! plus there are bonus offer songs when you get the audio version!

More Videos

Next Up
Marathon training Day 3


I remember using an ACETM brand Bandage in high school when I broke my finger playing football with my brother. (Please note my mother was skeptical about me actually being hurt and reluctantly took me to the medical facility after I complained for an hour. That says something about how dramatic I was growing up. Ha!)

Well, that good ol’ bandage has gotten a makeover! Those metal clips are soooo 2006 – The new and improved ACETM brand Clip snaps in place and is all in one piece!

This is helpful because you don’t have to deal with snags and can readjust easily. Páči sa mi to. They fixed the clip!

Check out this series of videos featuring “Arthur, ACETM brand Motivational sports agent”talking about how ACETM brand has “Fixed the Clip!”

I received the 3” version that is good for ankles and knees – some of the most common areas for running injuries. I tried the ACETM brand elastic Bandage with the new ACETM brand Clip on a few different areas just to make sure it stayed put, and it did!

I’m probably going to use it to keep my peas on my knee when I’m icing!

ACETM brand has a pretty thorough line of hot and cold products  for RICE therapy if you have an injury too! I always say that if you feel a tinge, or your body is ‘complaining’ it’s essential to listen and be kind. Doing RICE before you have a full blown injury can help.

RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

*Rice does not = eat rice, although that’s good too. and yes, someone that emailed me once thought that was what I was suggesting. I guess it makes sense because I love carbs…

Question: Are you ‘injury prone’? Is there a certain area on your body that aches many after a long run or sweat session?

My knees ache after long runs so I try to ice ‘em.

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by ACETM brand Bandages. Všetky názory sú moje vlastné.



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Mäsný pondelok Giveaway – Nasoya

V lete po strednej škole som sa stal vegetariánskym (a trochu vegánsky). Odvtedy som bol 90% vegetariánov až do minulého januára, keď som sa rozhodol pokúsiť sa zvýšiť príjem bielkovín (áno, uvedomujem si, že to môžete urobiť bez živočíšnych produktov, ktoré som sa rozhodol z mnohých dôvodov, o ktorých sa o tom neskôr budeme hovoriť).

Každopádne som bol vegetariánsky dlhší ako nie, takže moje najlepšie jedlá sú vegetariánske. Myslím, že najlepšia večera, ktorú môžem urobiť, je ázijské smaľované. Zakaždým to robím inak, ale vždy to má – tofu, zelenina a omáčka.
Moje najnovšie videá

Učenie sa zo zlého behu
Zlé behy sa stanú – tu je návod, ako som sa pohyboval okolo a dozvedel som sa z môjho ďalšieho behu. Tip, ktorý vám pomôže stať sa lepším bežcom tým, že ste neutrálnym pozorovateľom vašich tréningov.

Viac videí

0 sekúnd po 3 minútach, 48 sekúnd

Zhrnutie podcastu od 6. augusta


Dnes som použil nasoyu klíčený tofu plus. Spoločnosť mi poslala kupóny, aby som vyskúšala ich výrobky.

Po odobratí tohto obrázka som si uvedomil, že je technicky vypršaný. Ak zomriem skôr, ako sa zobudím, prosím, Boh vstúpte na brzdu!

Zmiešal som zeleninu a tofu s kokosovým olejom. Potom pridal omáčku sójovej omáčky, PB, agáve a chilli.

Toto je moja obľúbená večera doma!

Môj sladký zub sa nezastaví, ale nemám žiadne „skutočné“ dobroty. Vyrobil som tento bar s krízovým barom, ktorý som dostal z pretekov. Je to dobré, ale stále potrebujem nájsť najlepší cookie čokolády na svete !! Rozmýšľam o tom, že budem mať najlepšiu súťaž Choc Chip Cookie, kde mi pošlete svoje pečivo, a posudzujem víťaza. Bacuľatý? Génius? Áno.

Ak máte radi tofu a/alebo sa chcete dozvedieť viac o tom, ako ho variť, pozrite si ich stránku Tofu U. Môžete si vziať sľub tofu a získať kupón.

Rozdanie: Nasoya dáva jednému šťastnému readerovi 5 bezplatných produktov a tričku!

Vstúpiť: Zanechajte komentár s podpisovým jedlom. *Tento darček je uzavretý.

Súťaž otvorená iba pre obyvateľov USA. Koniec 13/11/11 16:00 PST.

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Sunday Power hour

We’re lastly home!

Ben drove the very first leg of the trip while I checked out a lot more of Mile Posts. I am in like with this book as well as checked out parts out loud to my motorist when I was especially moved  I like one “Post” where Armstrong states you can’t be a great runner without running a few poor races, as well as one more about body image.
Moje najaktuálnejšie videá

Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4
No Chafing Running Shorts for women. new evaluation of Athleta HIIT IT 9 in inseam shorts.

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0 seconds of 8 minutes, 21 seconds

High Achiever – great listen book Review


Then, we changed as well as Ben took a bit nap

Since I was the motorist I chosen the best pit stop on the method house – Rite aid with Thrifty’s Ice Cream! Remember, I was just speaking about this the other day? Ben has never experienced the tall cones!

We shared a coconut pineapple as well as mint n’ chip (specifically on the bottom for maximum savoring).

It absolutely took me back to delighted youth memories.

We made a incredibly quick stop for some fruit on the method home, however were as well worn out to do any type of substantial shopping. 

I resorted to a frozen dinner with broccoli as well as asparagus for dinner.

Back when Ben as well as I were dating we would get hold of take out as well as cuddle on the couch after a road trip. We were as well hectic with like to concern about groceries or clean clothes (sorry co-workers).

I kept in mind that on the method house as well as made a decision not to be as well accountable this evening.

Right when we got house I did a Sunday set Up “Power Hour”. I provided myself one hour to unpack clothes, do a tons of laundry as well as get a bit organized. Then, I had full authorization to just kick back with my person for a bit before bed time.

After dinner Ben made me a White Mexican Russian of sorts – Kahlua, vodka as well as milk. now I am feeling relaxed!

I’ll offer with workouts as well as meal planning tomorrow.

Here are my preferred Web searches that brought people to RER this week…

1. is it anything wrong with eating bread – Yes, it’’ll kill you so let me take it off your hands

2. going from cough to 10 miles in 3 months – I don’t understand if you must be running if you have a cough.

3. running to get over an ex – I assumption it’s much better than browsing “running over your ex”.  (Check out my get Over Your Ex Mix)

4. whats the point of drinking water – Not dying.

5. “why do people believe poultry isn’t meat?”  – Don’t eat dinner at their home if you’re vegan!

6. my partner eats all my food – eat faster.



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Neustále sa rozhodnite pre tieto:

weekend Running as well as eating Updates

weekend Running as well as eating Updates

Ahoj! Ako to ide? I have a quick recap of this weekend’s running, eating as well as … repeating. Oh, as well as I lastly listene

Running with a Mask ideas as seen on Dr. Oz

Running with a Mask ideas as seen on Dr. Oz

deal with Mask for Runners ideas seen on the Dr. Oz show 2021. Running with a Mask rules from Run eat Repeat.

reasons people Run vs. reasons I Run

reasons people Run vs. reasons I Run

funny Running Memes for Why people Run. Run Disney training Update. Running Reminders about the neighborhood andMarathon Training Week 4 beh, stravovanie a čítanie aktualizácií

Marathon Training Week 4 beh, stravovanie a čítanie aktualizácií

Marathon Training Week 4. Disney World Dopey Raouns Training Aktualizácia. Potravinový denník, ako aj knihy, ktoré si môžete vypočuť pri behu

Beh na ostrove Marco Florida 2021

Beh na ostrove Marco Florida 2021

Kde bežať na ostrove Marco Island Florida. Prevádzka nápadov na cestovanie a letné výlety na pláži. Florida Run Blog a

9 dôvodov, prečo vyžaduje masážny členstvo

9 dôvodov, prečo vyžaduje masážny členstvo

Massage Envy Monthly Specials, ako aj hodnotenie masáže alebo služby tváre každý mesiac. Moje dôvody na masáž

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4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners

try this Standing Abs workout you can do at home! here are 5 NO equipment core exercises you can do – all while standing. This is a great way to do ab exercises that aren’t crunches. Bonus: It challenges your balance too! but if you ask me my recommended equipment then it’s the ones from

Balance and a strong core are so important to run faster and stay injury free! If you’re not already incorporating conditioning and strength training into your running plan – consider starting now. get this month’s workout calendar for runners here.

This quick workout is on this month’s workout calendar for Runners. See that post for more details on the calendar. [Update: The monthly Running Calendars are on hold right now. You’re welcome to check out the Monthly Miles Tracker instead.]

4 minute Core and balance workout for Runners

There are 5 moves in this standing abs workout. Do each move for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and then move on to the next move.

If your fitness level makes this feel too easy – consider increasing the exercise time to 45 seconds / 15 seconds of rest.

And if you have the time and ability – do the set 1 or 2 more times. how to do each exercise is below with pictures and video.

Quick Abs workout for Runners Video

Standing Abs workout you can do at home. No equipment core exercises you can do standing up before or after a run. fast tutorial on 5 workout moves for a strong core and to challenge your balance.

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0 seconds of 4 minutes, 31 seconds

Next Up
Travel Jane Review


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Here is a fast Tutorial on the workout moves for a strong core and to challenge your balance. having a strong core is important for long running. It helps you maintain proper running form which impacts your speed. plus improper form can lead to injuries!

Having a strong core also helps you keep pumping your arms – that also can impact your speed (pace) and how far you can run.

And luckily this ab workout is less than 5 minutes long, so there are no excuses to skip it! Poďme!

Standing Ab workout for Runners:

Calf raise with shoulder Press

Standing Side crunch – L

Standing Side crunch – R

Y T I Standing Arms

Forward Lunge – Alt

How to Do 5 Ab exercises – Standing No Equipment

Calf raise with shoulder press :

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms at shoulder level bent at the elbow. keep your core in tight, standing tall as you go up on your toes into a calf raise. At the same time – shoot your arms straight up. Then, lower back down – feet flat on the floor, arms at 90 degrees in line with shoulders. 

2. Standing Side crunch – L:

Standing tall, abs in – place left hand behind head (right hand can be at your side or also behind your head). put most of your weight on your right leg. crunch sideways with your upper body and lift your left leg at the same time to meet near the middle. return to starting position and repeat.

3. Standing Side crunch – R:

Standing tall, abs in – place right hand behind head (left hand can be at your side or also behind your head). put most of your weight on your left leg. crunch sideways with your upper body and lift your right leg at the same time to meet near the middle. return to starting position and repeat.

4. Y T I Standing Arms:

Abs in, hinge forward at the waist keeping a straight back. lift your arms up to a “Y” – then back to center. lift your arms to a “T” – then back to starting position. lift your arms back and down similar to an “I” – then back to center. Repeat for 30 seconds. 

This is usually a floor exercise, but we’re adapting it to do while standing. This targets your upper back and shoulders – 2 areas that can be tight for runners.

It’s important to have good range of motion and pay attention if you’re tightening up your shoulders and neck while running. So pay attention to how this feels as you do it and any differences between the left and right side of your body.

5. forward Lunge – alternating legs :

Start with feet about shoulder width apart, hands on hips. step forward with the left foot into a lunge and push back to your starting position. Then, step forward with the right foot, lunging on this side before returning to your starting position. Repeat, alternating sides for 30 seconds.

Keep going with these:

Monthly Miles Tracker for 2021

Lower Body workout for Runners – how To

Ab workout for Runners

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for daily check-ins, tips and motivation!
You’re find more training Plans, Recipes and Running tips at 

Always check with your doctor before trying any new exercise or diet. 



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keep going with these:

lower Body workout for Runners – quick how to

lower Body workout for Runners – quick how to

how to do the lower Body workout for Runners. short at home strength workout for runners. fast tutorial on each exercise

5 minute Running warm Up – A

5 minute Running warm Up – A

fast warm Up for Runners. 5 minute running warm up before your run. how to get ready to run. tips for what to do before

Runner strength & Conditioning workout – A

Runner strength & Conditioning workout – A

strength training workout for Runners. No equipment home workout running plan. strength workout for running

5 lower Body exercises for Runners

5 lower Body exercises for Runners

lower Body home workout for Runners. No equipment needed. 5 exercises for running faster, stronger and better. quick wor

workout calendar for Runners with exercises and tips – December 2019

workout calendar for Runners with exercises and tips – December 2019

workout and running calendar for December. free printable calendar for new runners with body weight exercises and runnin

Runner strength workout B – September Calendar

Runner strength workout B – September Calendar

home strength workout no equipment needed. quick workout for runners. how to do lunges and squats exercise tips

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Moje prvé 5k

, keď som sa prihlásil na odber pre Carlsbad 5000 na Tinker Bell Half Expo, prisahal som, že to bolo moje prvé 5k. Môj prvý závod bol odtiaľto 10 k odtiaľto, skočil som rovno na polmaratóny a zamiloval som sa do Lucky číslo 13 (bod 1).

Ukázalo sa však, že pred dvoma rokmi som na štvrtom júli bežal 5 k! Ide o to, že to bol beh na poslednú chvíľu s priateľom, takže som sa nezohľadnil ani nekrakoval alebo to naozaj nepovažoval za nič iné ako čas na stretnutie so Susanom.
Moje najaktuálnejšie videá

Čo jem za deň – Runner Edition
Čo som jedol za deň. Denník potravín od bežca, ktorý v súčasnosti necvičí maratón alebo polmaratón. Raňajky, obed, večera a občerstvenie plus tipy.

Viac videí

0 sekúnd 14 minút, 26 sekúnd

High Achiever – Dobrá recenzia knihy počúvania


Do dnešného dňa som úplne zabudol! Môj mozog niekedy nefunguje, dobrá vec, ktorú mám blog, aby som si pamätal veci pre mňa.

No, stále to nazývame mojím prvým 5k vzhľadom na to, že táto rasa nebola načasovaná, takže netuším, ako som to urobil!

Mám 6 týždňov do mojich prvých 5 k. Neplánujem, že sa to stane opakovanou vzdialenosťou, takže chcem mať dobrú rasu a nechať ju na tom.

Po príliš veľkom časovom výskume plánov (na to vystúpim chorým spôsobom) som sa rozhodol skombinovať niekoľko a väčšinou ich sústrediť okolo programov výcviku Hal Higdon 5K a Half Marathon. Mám 10 míľ a niekoľko polovíc sa objaví, takže musím udržať vzdialenosť na vyššej strane.

Ak sme úprimní, naozaj som sa nedotkl školiacemu programu, pretože môj prvý polmaratón, takže cieľom je zostať na správnej ceste.

(Prepíšem dni, pretože som v sobotu väčšinou LR.)

Pretože netuším žiadnym spôsobom, aké tempo musím bežať pre túto krátku vzdialenosť, na pomoc pri bežiacej kalkulačke McMillan som použil. Hovorí sa, že moje 5k tempo musí byť okolo 7:23. Zdá sa, že si myslím, že som časť geparda, pretože neexistuje spôsob, ako by môj oranžový zadok mohol ísť tak rýchlo. (zdroj obrázka)

Mám podozrenie, že som omnoho pomaly zášklby ako rýchly svaly zášklby, takže sa budem musieť pokaziť s tempom, aby som našiel svoje potešené tempo.

Získajte to? potešené tempo?

Závod je 1. apríla, takže uvidíme, či je vtip na mne.

V správach o potravinách som jedol pizzu Pita na večeru po mojej obľúbenej večere, keď o tom hovorilo príliš veľa z nás. Milujem pizzzzzaaa!

Teraz je na mojom počítači vodný melón a Ben sa práve vrátil z práce.

Shrek ya neskôr.

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Neustále sa rozhodnite pre tieto:

Prvá polovica maratónskych nápadov a oveľa viac otázok a odpovedí od apríla

Prvá polovica maratónskych nápadov a oveľa viac otázok a odpovedí od apríla

Nové otázky a odpovede. Prvú polovicu maratónových nápadov – posledná minúta pred závodom. Moje obľúbené citáty z kníh a mov

Half Marathon za 10 týždňov tréningový plán a zoznam a tipy na balenie pretekov

Half Marathon za 10 týždňov tréningový plán a zoznam a tipy na balenie pretekov

Polovičný maratónový tréningový plán. bezplatný 10 -týždňový polmaratónový rozvrh s dni behov a úsekov. Zoznam balení pretekov

Bostonský maratón v pondelok, ale virtuálny 5K

Bostonský maratón v pondelok, ale virtuálny 5K

Dnes som prevádzkoval Boston Athletic Association Virtual 5K! A je to maratón v pondelok, je to technicky 5k pondelok … ale t

Disney World Marathon Training Week 1

Disney World Marathon Training Week 1

Dopey chAllenge Training 1. týždeň dobre … keď som sa minulý týždeň rozhodol zaregistrovať sa na spustenie výzvy DOPEY

rock n roll Las Vegas rock n roll los Angeles Marathon Half 10k 5k zľavový kód

rock n roll Las Vegas rock n roll los Angeles Marathon Half 10k 5k zľavový kód

Ahoj!! Mám pre vás dva nové zľavové kódy! Tu je zľavový kód pre Rock N Roll Los Angeles Race október a a

Najväčšie oznámenie o maratónskych pretekoch v tomto roku

Najväčšie oznámenie o maratónskych pretekoch v tomto roku

Aká je Walt Disney World Marathon Goofy Challenge? A DOPEY Challenge? informácie a ako sa rozhodnúť, či by ste mali

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Friday fun

I didn’t have any clients yesterday so I spent my day running walking errands. I’ve been down in the dumps so I knew I needed Yogurtland to fill that empty hole in my heart.

I handled to talk skinny Runner and Marni into joining me for a walk and fro-yo date.
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Neortodoxná kniha a recenzia Netflix
Review of the book & Netflix series – Unorthodox. A good listen – book, podcast and visual enjoyment review series.

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0 seconds of 7 minutes, 28 seconds

Running idea stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak


Ah! oveľa lepšie.

I vow Marni dared me to do this,

she’s a real perv.

Then, Ben and I had a little date night adventure. We went to go get something that we didn’t realize was way way out of our price range so it was kind of depressing to leave the store with sticker shock and empty handed.

So, we drowned our sorrows in carbs. We went to an Italian place called “Peppinos” that may or may not be a small chain. I don’t know for sure, but the food was good which is the most crucial thing, right?

I started with a salad because I undoubtedly have a romaine lettuce deficiency in my body…

and my favorite food – PIZZA.

Ben got some noodle dish because he’s all fancy like.

And we ended the night with dessert and a movie. This cupcake got massacred on the way home.

Now, I’m stalling my run because it’s raining. Boo. I better get going because I have to be at work soon!

Pekný deň!

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keep opting for these:

Treadmill shower Shark tank and Are Lunch Dates… dates?

Treadmill shower Shark tank and Are Lunch Dates… dates?

Ahoj! Ako to ide? just inspecting in with my favorite running and eating from this weekend! Čo robiš? najprv

complimentary RUNNING LOG and meal PLANNER for Runners

complimentary RUNNING LOG and meal PLANNER for Runners

Running Log and meal Planner complimentary printable pdf for runners training for 5K, 10K, half marathon and full marathon races

What I eat In A Day – for Runners

What I eat In A Day – for Runners

What I eat in a day video by a runner. Food diary of everything I ate someday breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. plus

Nutrition for Runners – Run in shape challenge Week 5

Nutrition for Runners – Run in shape challenge Week 5

What’s the best diet for runners? Nutrition ideas for Runners. Macros for running, meal planning ideas and carbs

Instagram Live-Q & A session and other fun on the run!

Instagram Live-Q & A session and other fun on the run!

Ahoj! Ako to ide? just wanted to check in and say hi… hi! and update you on the current running and eating going on

Can you eat donuts and be healthy?

Can you eat donuts and be healthy?

I randomly stopped at the donut shop yesterday while running errands. I wanted to get donuts after my long run recently

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What occurred To My Foot & speaking To Strangers Podcast 118

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I’m injured!! as well as I requirement to talk about it… All the show notes will be up on as well as make sure to comply with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the current updates.

Warm Up: 

I saw Brittany Runs a Marathon!

Loved… that it’s about running! Made me want to run the new York City Marathon again! It’s truly amazing. 

I started to concern the motion picture focused on her weight loss as well as the scale as well much – however it altered focus before the end.

Okay… perhaps I did a bit spoiler however it’s since I’m currently injured as well as she get injured as well as I had to mention it.

If you’re mad… choose a run to get it off your mind.

Too poor I can’t run considering that I’m INJURED as well as extremely unfortunate so don’t be mad anymore. K. Thanks.

Check out a lot more about the motion picture Brittany Runs a Marathon here 

Listened to “Talking to Strangers” by Malcolm Gladwell 

My condo sold!

New Q&A from Instagram includes:

Advice for a 1st time marathon runner?

Do you speak to Ben? new romance?? 

Since RnR LA is not happening – what race do you suggest?

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram so you don’t miss me as well as then someday I die as well as you think, I regret not complying with her…

Foot Injury – How/When I hurt It as well as Update

What occurred with my foot…

Friday… 2 weeks ago.

Saturday… long run cut short.

Sunday… long run attempt #2 – as well as when the pain turned up huge time as well as I couldn’t walk as well as limped home.

Monday… I went to urgent care.

Tuesday… My main care doctor. 

You can checked out the articles about my injured foot here: 

I hurt My Foot! 

Update on my Foot.

Resources for Runners with Foot Pain


Get Well Spoon!!

Conan O’Brien needs A good friend Podcast… is it a redhead thing to not have friends?

Diego for letting me try different Halloween costumes on him.



Leave a voicemail: 562 888 1644 

And I truly appreciate when you identify @RunEatRepeat on Instagram as well as let me understand you’re listening!! 

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